Senin, 04 Januari 2016

for your breaking news

Hi Andrea Arga Santosa's Blog,

I read about Docstoc closing in your post Docstoc Will Be Closing Down. Pretty big news – I certainly didn't see it coming.

With millions of users scrambling for where to turn, StudySoup has launched an extensive library of professional-quality resources covering everything from business plans, contracts, marketing and sales tips, tax documents, and other essentials for small business owners. The directory features thousands of documents and is growing rapidly.

Can you add a link to our resource library to your article to let readers know where they can turn now that Docstoc is closed?

Poke around the site and let me know what you think. Worst case is that you spend 3 minutes telling me no, best case is that you discover a new cool site to share with your readers.

Doesn't sound too bad, does it?



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